How do I apply for a Boris FX Suite educational license?

The Boris FX Suite educational license is for self-learning only, and the license does not permit use for commercial work. For commercial work, please purchase a commercial license here. 

In order to qualify for a Boris FX Suite educational license, you must be a full-time student enrolled in an accredited university or college, and provide us with the necessary information and documentation to allow us to confirm and approve. We apologize but at this time we cannot offer Boris FX Suite educational licenses to students enrolled at for-profit professional trade schools or for-profit online programs. 

To apply for a Boris FX Suite educational license, please visit this link, fill out the questionnaire and provide all necessary documentation. 

What we need to qualify you as a student:

For students enrolled in an accredited university or college, you must email us from an academic email address that matches your first and last name and submit one of the following requirements:

  • A valid student ID that shows the current year, features a clear and accurate photo, and matches the name on your email address.
  • A class schedule for the current academic year that clearly shows the matching name from your education email address.

Here's an example of a qualified educational email:

Here's an example of a qualified student ID:

  • sample_card_aa_rdax_387x244.png

Here's an example of a qualified class schedule:

  • sample-sched.png

High School Students:

For students above the age of 13 and enrolled in an accredited middle or high school, please have your parents email us at and we will set up a quick zoom call to verify your eligibility. 

Professional Students:

For students or professionals currently enrolled at for-profit professional or trade school or a similar for-profit online site, we apologize that we are unable to offer you an educational license. 

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