License Instructions - Nodelocked Licenses

Nodelocked Licenses

A nodelocked license allows the Boris FX software to be activated on one particular computer at a time. This license is uncounted, meaning that if the software is running on the specified computer, any number of instances are allowed to execute. To used a nodelocked license on a different computer, the license must be deactivated first.

When you purchase a nodelocked license, you will be emailed an activation key.

Open the Boris FX License Tool



Using the Installer

  • Run the installer and follow the prompts to activate.

Already Installed - From Within Host Application

  • Apply a Continuum filter and click on License at the top of the Effect Controls.


Already Installed - From Installed Folder

  • Windows: Search for Activate Continuum License and select from Adobe, AVX or OFX options.
    Mac: Search for Activate Continuum License and select from Adobe, AVX or OFX options.


  • Standalone: Start Mocha and choose Activate from the welcome screen or Activate Nodelocked License from the Help menu.
  • After Effects: Click License… in the bar of the effect title in the effect controls.


  • Premiere Pro: Click the small icon next to the effect title.


  • Avid Editing Systems: Click License Control checkbox under the License and Registration section at the bottom of the effect controls.


  • OFX Hosts: Click the License Control checkbox under the License and Registration section at the bottom of the effect controls.



  • Start the Optics standalone or apply the Optics plugin.
  • Select Activate Nodelock License in the License window and click OK.


Using the Installer

  • Run the installer and follow the prompts to activate.

Already Installed

  • Windows: Search for Activate Sapphire and select from AE, AVX or OFX options.
  • Mac: Go to the /Applications/BorisFX/Sapphire AE, AVX, or OFX folder and select Activate License.


  1. Standalone: Start Silhouette.
  2. Plug-in: Apply the plug-in and click Silhouette Interface > Open.
  3. Select Activate Nodelock License in the License window and click OK.


Activate License

  1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.
  2. Choose Activate your license now and press Next.license-nodelock-1.jpg
  3. Paste the activation key into the Activation Key field and click Next.license-nodelock-2.jpg
  4. If the activation is successful, details will appear on the next page.license-nodelock-3.jpg
  5. Select Finish.

Your license is now installed.

Offline Activation

If your machine is not connected to the Internet or you are behind a firewall, use the Activate your license manually option.

Note: Some Boris products are sold as units which are subset of larger plug-in package. Units require online activation as they don't have offline activation capabilities.

  1. Open the Boris FX License Tool.
  2. Choose Activate your license manually using another computer’s web browser and press Next.license-nodelock-4.jpg
  3. You will be provided with file fields to load a key file.license-nodelock-5.jpg
  4. Download and save the key file that you received from your license email from a computer that has an Internet connection.
  5. Transfer the key file to the offline machine you are going to activate via a flash/thumb drive or a shared network.
  6. Select the location of the key file in the first field.
  7. Pick a location for the request file (which will be created) in the second field.
  8. Copy the request file (.req) to a machine with an Internet connection.
  9. Upload it to
  10. Save the activation file it returns (via download or email), and copy that back to the offline machine.
  11. Enter its location into the license tool and click Next.license-nodelock-6.jpg

Your license is now installed.

Deactivate License

Make sure you are connected to the Internet.


  • Apply a Continuum filter and click on License at the top of the Effect Controls.bcc-license.jpg
  • Select Deactivate your license now.


  • Standalone: Start Mocha and choose Deactivate Nodelocked License from the Help menu.
  • After Effects: Click License… in the bar of the effect title in the effect controls and select Deactivate your license now.


  • Premiere Pro: Click the small icon next to the effect title and select Deactivate your license now.


  • Avid Editing Systems: Click the License Control checkbox under the License and Registration section at the bottom of the effect controls and select Deactivate your license now.


  • OFX Hosts: Click the License Control button under the License and Registration section at the bottom of the effect controls and select Deactivate your license now.



  • Start the Optics standalone or apply the Optics plugin.
  • Select License from the Help menu and choose Deactivate your license now.


  • Uninstall Sapphire from your machine and select Deactivate your license now..



  • Start the Silhouette Standalone or apply the plug-in and click Silhouette Interface > Open.
  • Select the Help > License menu and choose Deactivate your license now.


  • Go to the /Applications/BorisFX/Silhouette folder.
  • Double-click on Deactivate Silhouette License.

Nodelocked License Troubleshooting

  1. It is important that the software version matches your activation code, so check your purchase order to make sure everything matches up version wise. It may be that you don’t have the correct version of the software installed from our download section.
  2. Check to make sure you are not restricted to using certain ports due to a firewall or other admin permissions. When in doubt, temporarily turn your firewalls off for the duration of the installation and then turn them back on when you are done.
  3. Troubleshoot your machine by uninstalling all the Boris FX software, restarting your machine, and installing the software again from scratch, and make sure you follow installation directions off our website exactly. It sounds redundant, but sometimes it’s a great way to figure out what is going on inside your machine.
  4. If all else fails, our support team is happy to help you figure this out. Please Submit A Request



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