How do I stack Continuum filters on titles in Avid and retain the title matte?

When stacking filters onto a title matte in Avid, first apply the initial filter effect by dragging it onto the title, then click on the “Apply to Title Matte” button, which is located at the top of the filter effects parameter list. To add additional filter effects, hold the Alt/Option button on the keyboard while dragging the filter onto the title. Because the effect stack is rendered from bottom to top, you’ll need to instruct the filters as to which one is the last in the stack and therefore the one that’s making the final composite. The first filter in the stack is the one that should always have the “Apply to Title Matte” option enabled - on all other filters in that stack this option should remain disabled. Then on the last filter in the stack, the one that’s doing the compositing, you should set the Background pop-up in the filter controls to Background: First Below and on all of the other filters in the stack this pop-up should be set to None.

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