Boris Continuum users - please read this before you update to the latest version of Premiere Pro 23.1

In December 2022, Adobe released Premiere Pro 23.1. This update included a change in Premiere Pro that in turn has created a problem with using Continuum plugins within that host version. The issue is that when attempting to open a previously saved Premiere Pro project which included Continuum filters, the project will fail to load. The only way around this problem is to revert to version 23.0 of Premiere Pro.

While we work diligently to rectify the problem, we recommend that you DO NOT update to the latest version of Premiere Pro. We also recommend making a backup of your project(s) and sequences before updating them to 23.1 when you do.

If you have already updated, please watch the following video.

Alternatively, you can revert to the previous version of Premiere Pro.

  1. If you’re using the Creative Cloud Application, click on the “All Apps” tab.
  2. Make sure “All Apps” is also selected on the sidebar.
  3. After finding Premiere Pro in the list, click on the more actions/three dot icon and choose other versions.mceclip0.png
  4. You’ll be presented with a pop-up window with one of several previous versions of Premiere Pro. Click install next to version 23.
  5. mceclip1.png


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