What Mocha Pro option should I buy, the plugin or the standalone application?

Mocha Pro can be run as a standalone application or a plugin. For many Mocha Pro users, the plug-in is the best choice for usability and integration with your host application, below are some situations where you might want to use the standalone application.

  1. Large roto projects or assistant stations. Some of our customers have a large number of roto artists, who only do roto. If they spend all of their time in Mocha, using the standalone version avoids the facility needing to buy host software seats for these artists. Facilities with a finishing artist working in Flame or color grading suites such as Resolve or Baselight often have an assistant station handling the tracking, roto, or object removals, and Mocha Pro standalone supports these sites well.
  2. Working with unsupported hosts or collaborations. There are many video applications on the market and not all of them support plugins and some may not have a supported workflow to import tracking and roto data. In these cases, the Mocha Pro standalone might be a good fit for its ability to render a finished shot or element. Mocha Pro can render screen inserts, object removals, image stabilization, and roto mattes. 
  3. Performance. There are some situations where Mocha Pro standalone will render or track more quickly than the plug-in version. This depends on many factors and is different for each host, but if you want to track high-res footage with a computer that doesn’t have much RAM, the standalone application will be faster.
  4. Multi-tasking: Running Mocha as a plug-in is modal, meaning that while Mocha’s interface is active, you work in Mocha, then close it to return to your host. Some VFX artists like the flexibility of keeping Mocha and Nuke (or AE) always running on the same system to multi-task and set up Mocha to run on one monitor and Nuke on the other. For this scenario, the standalone is best fit.

Mocha Pro can be purchased with various license options:

Standalone Application + Multi-Host: The standalone application option includes the multi-host plug-in license free of charge.

Individual Host License: As a plug-in for individual hosts: Adobe, Avid, OFX (Choose OFX for Nuke, Fusion, Vegas Pro & HitFilm).

Multi-Host License: One license will work in all three hosts.

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