Why do you still sell Mocha Pro, when it is bundled with After Effects? Why should I upgrade?

The version of Mocha bundled with After Effects is called Mocha AE. This a light version of the fully-featured software called Mocha Pro.

While Mocha AE is an excellent product, many users want more advanced features and support for more hosts. We now have a simplified product lineup, with affordable upgrades to either Mocha Plus or Mocha Pro. You can find a comparison chart here: https://borisfx.com/products/mocha-pro/?collection=mocha-pro&product=mocha-pro

If you are currently an AE user, we highly encourage new users to start with the Adobe bundled Mocha AE. If you are happy and want to learn more, download a free 15 day trial of Mocha Pro here: https://borisfx.com/downloads/?product=Mocha

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