Trouble Exporting

  • Be sure to check the Top, Front, and Side views in SynthEyes to make sure the scene is as expected, not just the camera view.
  • Be on the lookout for single-frame shifts between the camera animation and imagery if you see slight sliding or jittering in the downstream application.
  • Make sure that the export file name and entire path name do not contain any accented or special characters. Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore, dash, and space (better without spaces, never first or last character).
  • Downstream applications may need to be set for English language input.
  • The Maya script has a first-frame setting that may need adjusting depending on your setup, if you notice small velocity-dependent shifts.
  • If you have trouble with the Electric Image camera export, you probably need to switch to an Implicit camera type.
  • Use notepad/textedit to open the Sizzle script for your export type. Check for configuration values, limitations, requirements, comments etc. at the top of the script.
  • If you need to report a problem, send us the SNI file, the exported output, and a screen capture of the importing application: either any error messages, or the appearance of the imported scene.
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