Sending us a shot for support


Support cases should be filed through the Boris FX support site, once the SynthEyes manuals and Boris FX help sections have been exhausted.

When asking for help, always include the following information to ensure the fastest and most accurate service:

  • What problem you're asking for help about! (Should be obvious, but here we are.)
  • For customers, the (partial) serial number visible on the SynthEyes splash screen.
  • The SynthEyes version and build, from the title bar or Help/About.
  • The exact operating system version you are using. Enter "winver" into the search field in Windows, or see "About This Mac" on macOS.
  • As many details about the issue as possible, preferably how to reproduce it starting from opening SynthEyes. If you're having problems with a movie, please provide details of that file: file extension, codec, resolution, and length.
  • A full screen screen capture of what you're doing in SynthEyes. DON'T CROP—don't be that guy/gal who crops the portion with the most useful clues.
  • If a crash is involved, see our additional page about crashes.

Sending Us a Shot

These instructions are for sending SynthEyes scene (SNI) files. Do not send source images unless requested*. Similarly, do not send explanatory videos unless requested. DO describe the image resolution, plus camera and lens if known. If you're having trouble importing a mesh file, send/post the mesh's ZIP-compressed file.

  • File/Open your SNI file in SynthEyes.
  • Hit Clear All Blips on the Feature Panel to greatly reduce the size of the .sni file.
  • File/Save As the SNI file as a temporary file to avoid overwriting the original.
  • Compress the .sni file using Windows's, macOS's, or Linux's built-in ZIP features (not rar).
  • All files over 2 MB must be posted on a DropBox, Google Drive, or equivalent; then send a URL (did you clear blips?).
  • Exporter issues: You must include the following information: (1) the exact name of the exporter being used, (2) a full screen capture of your settings of the exporter's parameters panel, (3) the file produced by the exporter, and screen captures of quad views of the scene in both (4) SynthEyes and in (5) the downstream application on the same frame. If you're asking about an error reported by the downstream application, you must also send the file exported by SynthEyes that results in the error and the text or screen capture of the error!

*If source imagery is requested:

  • We prefer you post a ZIPped sequence of JPEGs to dropbox, google drive, or a private area of your website. Make sure image and movie files have extensions (.mov,.jpg, etc). Again, ZIP format only.
  • In some cases a low-resolution mp4 may be OK. Don't use DIVX, DVCPRO HD, or any codec or file format that isn't a standard part of the operating system.
  • Never ftp, post, or email image sequences as individual files, always package them into a single ZIP file.
  • Again, do not send source images unless requested. If you are having trouble with a shot and send images and no SNI, we're going to ask for the SNI instead.
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