Having Trouble Making a Preview Movie

  • Be sure to set a filename to be produced. The filename extension controls what format file is produced.
  • Windows: The Preview Movie is produced by OpenGL, but it may be routed to Windows's software renderer, which can limit the maximum allowable output resolution.
  • You must select a codec and compression options, Quicktime does not have a default.
  • Be sure to select the correct frame rate in Quicktime to match your shot.
  • Different codecs have different quirks and may need different settings. Cineform codecs may require the resolution to be a multiple of 16, for example.
  • The H.264 codec requires that the "Key frame every N frames" checkbox be OFF, and probably you should either turn off the "Limit data rate to..." checkbox, or select a rate much higher than the default 90 Kb/sec.
  • There's no Quicktime output from 64-bit Windows. On macOS, only a predefined set of codecs can be used for output.
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