Installing SynthEyes Plug-ins for After Effects

To be available, the SynthEyes effects must be installed in After Effects. The SynthEyes installer does that automatically.

Tip: If you’d installed the plugins from an earlier SynthEyes version manually to an After-Effects-version-specific folder, remove those versions to avoid having duplicates; see the first step of the directions below.

If you need to install the effects on a different machine, you can do it manually as follows. The effects are located within the plugins folder of your SynthEyes installation folder (click Script/System Script Folder then go up a level to see plugins).


  1. If you have plugins installed from a pre-Boris-FX version of SynthEyes, remove the following folder to avoid duplicate effects: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 20yy\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects\SynthEyes
  2. Create a new "Boris FX SynthEyes" folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\Boris FX SynthEyes
  3. Copy SyAFXAdvLens.aex, SyAFXLens.aex, and SyAFXMapper.aex into the new Boris FX SynthEyes folder.
  4. Restart After Effects if it is already running.


  1. If you have plugins installed from a pre-Boris-FX version of SynthEyes, remove the following folder to avoid duplicate effects: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 20yy/Plug-ins/Effects
  2. Create a new "Boris FX SynthEyes" folder:
    /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore/Boris FX SynthEyes
  3. Copy SyAFXAdvLens.plugin, SyAFXLens.plugin, and SyAFXMapper.plugin into the new Boris FX SynthEyes folder.
  4. Restart After Effects if it is already running
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